Friday, November 2, 2012


Erin wanted me to write a blog post about her.

Erin is very smart, very funny, and overall very awesome. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met in my 15 years of living on Earth.

But then she read this and wanted me to make it longer so here we go. I'm going to write a poem about her on the spot

Erin is a person
A very good person she is
She makes my world go on spinning
and I love her the way she is...

Scratch that, I'm an awful poet. Please forgive me Er-bear. In all seriousness, you're one of my bestest bestest friends, and if she ever leaves my life, I will cry myself to sleep every night that I live.

Love ya, buddy. Not in a weird way. This is starting to get awkward. Time to vanish. kbye *vanishes 


Cristiana wanted me to write a blog post about her. So here it is.

She is very smart and very funny and she is a great person. She is the only reason I wake up in the morning. She's the only good thing in my Revelations and Biology classes. She is the most awesomest person in the world, and she is the best person I've met in my life.

There ya go.

Friday, October 26, 2012


Sometimes, when I'm alone, I like to curl up in a ball, and pretend I'm a hushpuppy. Kbye.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I just thought of something to write about!

Kk, so Halloween's coming up, and I can't decide whether I should be Doctor Who (Matt Smith flavor) or Batman (The Dark Knight flavor)

Batman, Doctor Who...
Doctor Who, Batman...



Kk, I'm done :3

The Cabin in the Woods

I freakin' love "The Cabin in the Woods". It's probably my 3rd favorite movie (right behind Inception and The Dark Knight Rises). It's just so... weird, and different from what you'd expect. The only things in that movie that are generic are the characters, the setting, and the fact that people die. I especially like that last part. :P

I would suggest a movie night where we watch it, but after the last movie night, where we watched "The Blair Witch Project", which took place almost exclusively in the woods, combined with the fact that no one else enjoyed the movie, it may take some convincing.

I would go on to complain about the pains of being a butt-ugly white schoolboy, but then I'd just get depressing and boring, and I don't want that.

I am officially out of things to write about. Why are you still here?

Go out and have a life! I'm done with this post!

If you're still reading this, i <3 you ;)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My dull, dull life.

My life is so incredibly dull nowadays. I mean, nothing's wrong, but at the same time nothing too terribly interesting has been happening to me lately. No movies I wanna see, no games I wanna play, nothing truly exciting.

I suppose the year's starting to wind down; leaves are changing colors, temperatures are dropping, and everything and it's mother has pumpkin in it. It's fall, probably the most uninteresting season ever.

But I do have things to look forward to; A Halloween party's coming up, which gives me a perfect excuse to dress up as Batman (yes, I'M BATMAAAANN!!), Cloud Atlas comes out next week, and I might be going to Six Flags this weekend!

I suppose I'm just in a small dull spot in my life. I'll get out of it soon enough, I'm certain!


Wednesday, October 10, 2012


One thing I'd really like to do is make a movie. Not like a little skit that can be done over the course of a night, but like a movie that I actually have to put thought and effort into.

The problem is that I can never get any ideas down into a good script. I mean, I've had good ideas, but I've never gotten too far with one. I guess I just need to think a little harder.

I suppose I could kidnap my friends and force them to help me, but I'm a nice person, so I wouldn't do that.

Oh well, I'm sure my time to shine will come soon enough.