Friday, November 2, 2012


Erin wanted me to write a blog post about her.

Erin is very smart, very funny, and overall very awesome. She's one of the nicest people I've ever met in my 15 years of living on Earth.

But then she read this and wanted me to make it longer so here we go. I'm going to write a poem about her on the spot

Erin is a person
A very good person she is
She makes my world go on spinning
and I love her the way she is...

Scratch that, I'm an awful poet. Please forgive me Er-bear. In all seriousness, you're one of my bestest bestest friends, and if she ever leaves my life, I will cry myself to sleep every night that I live.

Love ya, buddy. Not in a weird way. This is starting to get awkward. Time to vanish. kbye *vanishes 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love ya too Zack!! You're one of my beststest friends(:
